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Rodolfo Berrios


At Chevereto we know the pain that on-premise software means and how it pushes users away from self-hosting. We have experienced the frustration that this drives, that's why we will start offering all-managed hosted Chevereto instances, free of any licensing charge and server setup hassle.

Private cloud

We believe that the best way in which your data can be protected is enabling and encouraging BYOS (Bring Your Own Storage) and we will additionally offer you to run our cloud software connected directly to your own external database server, in your own tenancy.

Our business is just the software (we really mean it!) and you can always go self-hosted anytime you feel ready for it. You are never tied to us, you can spread your wings freely.


Fill the pre-registration form and be one of the first to know when to try it out. We hope to start the beta preview later this year. You can also signup for our newsletter where we will be unveiling our service.

Pre-registration Cloud Newsletter