Chevereto 55% off!

Purchase Chevereto 55% off. Limited time offer, don't miss it before is too late. Purchase now »

Enjoy the offer, tell everybody and spread the good news!

Rodolfo Berrios


Chevereto Retningslinjer

Ved å bruke noen av tjenestene som tilbys av, er du bundet til innholdet på denne retningslinjer siden, som gjelder betaling, personvern og lisensbruk.


Hva vi gjør med dataene dine

The user data which is stored in our database is strictly used to provide our services. The data collected is for (and its related services) use only. We won't share with any third-party any information about our users and/or clients unless it is expressly required by a representative of the law.

Bruker lagret informasjon

The user data is permanently stored until the user request deletion of this data. The user can also request a machine-readable file with the contents of their information.


Vi bruker våre egne og tredjeparts cookies slik at du skal få en best mulig brukeropplevelse på vår nettside og tjenester som "hold meg logget" funksjonen.

Retningslinjer for betaling

By purchasing the Software, you hereby claim to know and understand the system features and its requirements. No buyers remorse refund policy.

Payments are processed upon notification by the payment processor. Some payments take longer, but this is out of our control. We process payments as soon as we get notified.

Anything related to payment reversal or scam will case the ban of any associated license and terminate any additional services.